Thursday, October 2, 2008

Potty training 101

The world of toilet training is an unusual aspect of being parents. I don't know if I can handle all of the fluctuations it has to offer. Elijah is 26 months and we think he is long overdue for his course in Potty Training 101. He understands and from time to time he will ask to use it. No prompting just the occasional thrill of it. I guess.. So, it is time to not be the occasional toilet user anymore. We are heading for the real thing! Today was a semi successful day. No crap! He started out so good the first half of the day then there it was smells and all. He had poop in his under roo's. What an awful thing to wittiness and have to clean up. It was not the ordinary beauty of wipe and go. No, this was an new beast and might I add a messy one!I was just thinking that once I was going to use the good old fashion diapers, Thank God I did not go through with purchasing them. Would have been a total waste of money! Anyways, he then sat on the potty and went. No problems, No hesitations. I don't get it. I will continue to give this my all and all. Till diapers do us part. I will update later. Deal or No deal that is the question!?!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lamanda! I didn't know you had a blog! That's reminds me that I need to update mine, lol.
    It's good to hear that I'm not the only one who's found potty training a bit stressful. We've been working with Ember off and on since she was 18 months and in the past couple weeks have decided, like you, that NOW is the time. I really would like her to be potty trained by the time baby number 2 gets here and she's been giving signs for a while that she's ready. The hardest part for her has been getting her to stop playing long enough to go. Finally after a week of wondering if I'd lose my sanity if I had to clean up one more accident, she's started to go in the potty more consistently. She even had a poo in the potty this morning, which is a big deal because she normally goes off to hide somewhere or holds it until she gets her bedtime diaper. I'm just crossing my fingers that we'll keep moving forward and not regress.

    Keep us posted....I know it's a funny conversation topic but it helps to vent frustration and to know there's another mom out there fighting the diaper wars, lol.


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