This morning I found Xavier squatting to his usual "poop" stand....I ran and took his hand quickly to have him sit on the potty, before he started doing the deed in his diaper.
He was absolutely excited to be on the potty for the first time. He kept saying "Momma, Momma" as he seemed a little frightened. I knew he hadn't done anything so I had him wait and sit a little while longer to ensure at least he knew sitting on the potty is not a quick process sometimes. But, like any parent would do I sat near him and held his hand.
So, after sitting there for a good amount of time I proceeded to get him off and put back on his diaper....What an unexpected surprise he went POOP in the potty. YAY! I remember Elijah would do anything BUT that for forever and a day!!!! I am not to hopeful that he will keep this up BUT at least he has gotten exposed to it... I guess.
It's kinda gross but reminds me of our relationships sometimes with God! We proceed to start in our usual squat, fully aware that what we are about to do is a pattern that will lead to contamination of our souls! We see that we are in the same position that we usually are in (for Xavier it was squatting,) but for you it may be to go to the fridge after that fight and just eat. Or, maybe it's going to your "alone" place to cry or have a pity party, or becoming that busy body so that you don't have time to read your bible or pray. It is easier to just start in our familiar routines, or squatting stance, and then deal with the clean up later; when your in the mood to be "spiritual" again!
Isn't it our loving God who waits by us, holding our hands. We sometimes think that we must wait for God to grab us spiritually by the hearts when it is the opposite. He is always there it is our sinful nature that blinds us from His goodness. We must grab a hold of His heart that leads us to lay all our burdens and cares upon him! He is so patient with us, waiting beside us while we fight the process to get rid of all the waste in our minds and hearts!
9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that l the power of Christ may rest upon me.
But just like Xavier learned today obeying his leadership over him resulted in him feeling better and ultimately pleasing his Mother. That gave him so much joy and relief! How much should we be seeking to please and bring glory to our Father in times of confusion, frustration and uncertainty? Walking this journey called life is a scary thought, but continue to call "Father, Father." What an unexpected surprise it is when a wife stops being resentful towards her role in the family. When a Mother can stop being unloving and when a friend can look past others faults!
13 one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:13-14)
What unexpected surprise to not only feel JOY but be JOYFUL in spite of whatever is going on around you! God longs for that kind of peace for you today.... Seek Him and beg Him to restore you to the woman He wants you to be for His glory!
I encourage you today to stop following into those same patterns your use to. Let go of being in control and realize that God desires to make you a new creature (2 Cor. 5:17) that you couldn't even image you could be!
The sum of all our goods,
and our perfect good,
is God.
We must not fall short of this,
nor seek anything beyond it;
the first is dangerous,
the other impossible.
Great Post! Amen!
ReplyDeleteYou have such a precious little guy! Come visit anytime at my "place".
Chris in FL