Did you hear? There is this new workout dvd called "Insanity" led by personal trainer Shaun T. If you or someone you know did P90X before, you know the amount of effort and energy that goes into that workout. Well, news flash Insanity is suppose to be harder, more powerful thus producing better results!
I would like to consider myself an athletic person.... Hey! Don't let this post baby fat fool ya. From Elementary through High School I always participated on some kind of sports team. I just LOVE being active & trying new workouts! In the past I've done taebo, The firm dvds, 30 day shred, turbo kick, cardio circuits, step, cycle & 5.2 mile jogs along with reading tons of books on exercise. Now one more is added to my list "Insanity"!
I must admit in the past I struggled with "post dvd syndrome". You know what I'm talking about after you have purchased something new! Trying to get motivated to actually do the workouts or not let the dvds just collect dust. Insanity has proven to be the total opposite! Granted I am only on my fourth day but by now I would have skipped a day here and there. Everyday I actually look forward to doing the workouts and my boys have truly been my motivational support! Elijah says: "Mommy you are not tired, don't stop" as they are doing it with me or sitting down laughing..HA!
Don't get me wrong it is NO cake walk by any means! During my first exercise which was only the fit test, I wanted to puke and I actually NEEDED a towel due to the amount of sweat I produced for once. Neither has NEVER happened to me before, in or out of the gym and I even had a personal trainer before!
I highly recommend Insanity! I love that the workouts are 30 minutes with the burn and results of a two hour workout. The high impact rotations are only a minute long. Which makes it easy to persevere through the pain instead of one secluded area being tortured for long periods of time. Did I mention no weights needed! I am only on my 4th day and I can see and feel a difference in my body. I must admit I have to DIG DEEP the entire time but it is a dvd, I press pause for a few seconds when needed and get my head back in the game! Honestly, I think the biggest perk of this dvd is that the people in the background are literally struggling just like you are! They even stop and fall on the ground during and after the workouts. So, that is very encouraging and motivation for me to push past them. So, if you haven't guessed it by now..YEP! The Insanity dvd's are here to stay with continual praise to God for the energy each day!
"All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything" 1 Corinthians 6:12
Food for thought this week:
"If we diet only to improve our appearance or reach a personal goal, we are no more pleasing God than if we indulged our every desire for food. Not eating for vanity’s sake is as sinful as gluttony for appetite’s sake. We can’t conquer one sin with another. We can’t fight selfishness with selfishness.
Christ claims all—including our eating habits. But first, He gave all; He gave His life for us on the cross. If we repent from our vanity and our gluttony and look to our Savior, there, and only there, we will find the power and help to please God."~Carolyn Mahaney