Yay! We made it, now off to week 3 we go. Who knew that teaching(and learning along the way) would be so much fun and humbling! I am just amazed at how much the kids are acquiescently learning and not to mention ME being their teacher.
I must confess, this Momma was terrified and didn't know what to expect. I read all the books, did all the training and received all the advice I could seek-out about homeschooling. To find that a week before I started, I began to listen to those thoughts...you know the ones that keep most Mamas from homeschooling the ones like: "I can't do this, they will never listen to me, or don't bother with it, just put them in school. Think of all the time you will have to yourself(to do what? facebook, Blog, sleep..etc)! After all, you are just a city girl this isn't the way we do things." I must admit I thought homeschooling was for weird people who liked Country music! ;) BUT, I didn't give in and I'm so thankful to God for being faithful towards me for my obedience.
I think my "aaahaaa" moment was when the boys came up to me after the second day and said "Mommy, I'm so excited that YOU are our teacher!" I think I just broke down and cried. It was as if they were rising me up and calling me blessed!(Proverbs 31:28)
They are learning so much and can remember EVERYTHING so easily(wish I could still do that...lol). Elijah has learned two new bible verses, days of God's creations, animals before & after "the fall", can count and recognize twice as many numbers, 6 letter sounds, read 3 words, know all the seasons and just LOVES learning about the United states of America. It is so funny even when we are not in school he is still asking what is the capital were grandma lives and so on... He has ALWAYS been obsessed with maps. I'm just so privileged to be able to cater to ALL his interests through out the years.
Now my little Xavier just LOVES math time especially when we use our cash drawer filled with money and coins(pretend so don't rob us...hehe). He can already distinguish the coins all by himself... Wow! Over all he is my little helper and loves to learn right along with Elijah.
Week 3 is on the move adventure week! We will be learning at the library and exploring different books on our topics. Also, we will venture to our neighborhood park to school and do our messy crafts(to our advantage no one is EVER there) and then play. I'm LOVING the thought that you can take learning with you anywhere, you just need a little creativity!
I am truly AMAZED at the comfort God has given me and the support from my AWESOME friends(homeschooling and not) and LOVING Hubby! Brian is SO supportive and has really encouraged me A LOT! I'm really grateful for MY man! :)
Wishing all homeschooling Mommies a wonderful week and get out and enjoy God's creations with those lesson plans!
Elijah just loves calling out Gods creation to this video!
My devotion this week: Deuteronomy 6:4-7
4 Hear, O Isreal: The Lord our God, the Lord is one!
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul, and with all your strength.
6 And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart.
7 You shall teach them diligently to your children,
and shall talk of them when you sit in your house,
when you walk by the way, when you lie down,
and when you rise up.