The chapter of my life for "09" could be entitled "Knowledge is seeking Him." This year the Lord has shown me so much in his word but most importantly displayed a Godly example of who I am to be as a wife, mother and friend by older women in the faith He has placed around me. What an immeasurable gift to receive. PRICELESS!
The other day I was talking to a family member who stated...."I'm leaving this marriage. My wife doesn't want to be a wife. She goes to work and does nothing with me(her husband) or the kids once she comes home." He then proceeded to ask me "why should I want to stay in a marriage like this when she pushes me to my limits constantly?" I then sympathized with him. It is only natural to feel like the victim & must leave in a situation like this! right? Wrong! God hates Divorce....PERIOD! RING...RING... Hello! Does anyone out there know the exact measurements of endurance and perseverance?
Women this is a direct side effect of the "independent women" the world does not shine that revealing bright light on. You know the kind of light that shows all the blemishes on your face. They make it seem so fun and happy to be the successful women in the corporate world. But at what cost are you willing to obtain it? While in your homes a silence sweeps the air lacking love, compassion and intimacy. Is this God honoring? Do you think God is pleased with how your examples are constantly being portrayed in front of your little blessings called children? Women was created for one purpose to be a helper for her husband. Now if you are married and without children then by all means make a name for yourself if that is what you and your Hubby desire. However, once children are entered into the picture that trophy must retire. A last note withholding children for this purpose is not God honoring either. We are called to be fruitful throughout the Earth!
Some may say: "now that is degrading to say a woman have to stay home and do everything." Now lets consider this Greek word "hupotasso", this word is a military term meaning "to be ranked under. Apply this thought in the same way to the trinity. The order of command is the Father, Son(Jesus)and Holy Spirit(our comforter). Jesus was not inferior to the Father at all; likewise, the wife is not inferior to her husband in the same way! As Humans we will have authority over us no matter where we venture.... God, the Government, the law, a Boss, our on & so on. Submitting to your husband is God's design for a orderly home and life in Him.
I pray that this has provoked some thoughts and has been a blessing to you as it has been for me to study this.
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