Ecclesiastes 9:10
What your hand finds to do, verily, do it with all your might; for there is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol where you are going
Amen! What a blessing to know that Christ is pleased with us, taking Joy in putting all we have into cultivating a Godly marriage to be an God honoring example for our children to follow oneday!
Xavier is such a handsome little guy always wanting to be loved. Isn't that something to think about children crave a loving atmosphere. Through discipline, compassion & attention. Xavier loves to give out kisses with drool marks to show for it. Running or the attempt to run is his new thing he likes to do especially with a big brother to track down. He seems to be a pretty good eater although lately he has been pretty selective in what he chooses to eat. A messy eater to say the least. The concept of fork and spoon are soon to follow I hope. He is definitely going to be my athletic one. A ball would be his dream toy any day of the week! Always wanting to throw, roll or dunk a ball any chance he gets.
Elijah what a blessing! He is being such a good example for his little brother these days with consistent discipline(might I add). God is so gracious towards us daily. Elijah love, love, loves robots right now. Transformers to be exact. Bumble bee to be even more precise! I know we will have take him to see the new transformers movie once it comes out towards the end of this month. Besides that Elijah enjoys time spent with his friends Nathan, Emerson, Steven, Alieen, Noah and Ember in our play group. He is beginning to grasp why sharing is good. Mainly because when someone else has a cool toy he wants a turn but we have a little time to work on sharing!
I must not forget that the Boys and I went to our first Yankees game in . Thanks to Grandpa and Grandma Kirby. What fun it was to see one of the last games to be played at the Old Yankees Stadium and what joy it was to see Brian so thrilled! The boys will forever cherish these times spent with family.
What a blessing it is to be at the end of another school year for Brian. The boys will cherish this extra time with Daddy this summer. Their little faces just light up whenever he walks through the door. What a blessing it is for me that God has granted me to be his daily helper in the home.
My prayer:
Lord, please protect our boys. Let them grow to love you! Allow them to hold onto all they learn about you so they will not part from it! Most importantly that you may be glorified....