Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Family Traditions

When I think about Christmas I think of family, friends and my Saviors birth. I also think about new ways to make it more memorable for my children. Last year we began a new family tradition. We took a drive to Williamsburg Va. to visit the Christmas Mouse and The Yankee Candle Factory. We told the boys that they can choose one special ornament within the family theme.

  Our 2011 theme was S'more Characters. My husband picked a baseball player, our oldest picked a S'more playing the guitar(he is my musically inclined child), my youngest son picked according to his favorite sport, a basketball player and I picked a "kiss the cook" S'more since that's what I like to do or end up doing most of the time. In addition to those we also picked a special S'more for the baby I miscarried just two months prior. It will always be a sweet memory as we have a physical reminder every Christmas of a little life lost and it will forever live in all of our hearts.

  This year for our 2012 theme, was a  food or drink we liked most. It's pretty awesome too, because each of these ornaments had a tag attached to them explaining the meaning behind them. I'll be putting those in our Family scrapbook!

My husband "picked" an apple. Go figure, he's a teacher! lol
My oldest son picked a taco and rightfully so! We call him "Taco Monster" because on Taco Tuesday's he eats the most out of all of us.
Our youngest son picked Pancakes. He often asks for pancakes or french toast for breakfast, lunch AND dinner most days.

My 5 month old daughter nickname is cupcake, so we chose a cupcake for her. 
Lastly, I picked a cup of Java which is what I seem to live off of these days.

  Seriously, it is cool to see the excitement in their eyes each year as they get to pick out something personal and special for our tree. Oh the memories we share when the Christmas tub is pulled out of the attic each year. I look forward to the day(although not in a hurry and will most likely need a box of tissues in hand) when they leave our home. I will give them every ornament they have picked out over the years, in hopes that their special ornaments will be able to grace their own Christmas trees. Maybe, once they have a family of their own their children can add to the themed ornaments they chose each year. It could happen...  Even if it doesn't carry on, I'm blessed to make such sweet memories each advent season with them as they grow. I love you, my dear children!

 Merry CHRISTmas!

It's January 2nd and it's that time "again"...Once and for all!

Thought for week 1: Gluttony is having a craving for food that conquers you!

How can I conquer gluttony?

1 Corinthians 6:12 All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be dominated by anything.
 Paul is saying specifically towards food & drink that he will not be enslaved by anything.

 For all those who have been born of a second birth, should have one master, Jesus Christ! I don't want another!!

 Cherish this simple, yet complex biblical teaching, that the Christian life is one of confronting our cravings and saying "No" to them!! Not because we have the power or will to turn away from old habits, but it's by God's grace through the power of His Holy Spirit based upon his truth revealed in His word.

Goal 1: Login EVERYTHING that enters the temple God has gifted you with daily!

                                                Lets go! Soli deo Gloria

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