Do you really know you are
smarter than your preschooler? I mean, come on, he/she still pees their paints, is scared of the dark and can't count past your age for crying out loud! The answer should obviously be,
Has your child ever asked you a question that you did
not know the answer to? Not just how to say it, but you seriously didn't know the answer to? The questions like: "Mommy why is the sky blue?" "Who made God?" "Where do we come from?" Why did our goldfish have to die?" Lastly, "why did Jesus have to die?"
Things that makes you go
hmmmm.... For many of you, you may not know the answers to these questions. For others you may know how to give an answer to satisfy a
"preschoolers" mind. Wait, what answer will you give when your preschooler becomes an overly question-oriented person? You know, when your preschooler
becomes a 5th, 6th, 7th grader! Come on, we have all seen the show. We know everyone is
never smarter then a 5th grader! Right?
Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6Read the bible together(part 2 see previous blog for more info.)
You might get away with that answer
now but how will you give your child scriptural advice about: the opposite sex, molestation(God forbid), sex, stealing, lying, anger, a good work ethic and the infamous why do we go to church? It is
vital to seek the Lord! How can you train and teach your child if you don't know it yourself?
He who withholds his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him diligently. Proverbs 13:24Disciple through discipline The term "discipline" comes from the Latin word "disciplinare," which means
"to teach." Okay, so we now know that discipline has the intent to teach or disciple behind it. Biblical Discipline glorifies God. How do you discipline in away that
glorifies God? Discipline should always be
calm ,
loving &
consisted. Your preschooler should know the rule prior to spankings and you should look to teach them through their disobedience. Here is the analogy to say to them: God punishes sin. When someone breaks Gods rules someone has to pay. The only way God can be happy with us is through Jesus dying on the cross. After they
understand the broken rule and ask forgiveness, give them a real tangible way to show that you love them, by hugging them! My memories of spankings entail my parents saying "I'm doing this because I love you" but there was no physical example of reconciliation and love that I could see at that time. So, always hug them! Lastly, love keeps no record of wrongs. So, once your child has asked to be forgiven and disciplined for the offense, forgive them and keep no record of wrong. Enjoy them and love them as if nothing ever happened!
and He took the seven loaves and fish; and giving thanks, He broke them and started giving them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. Matthew 15:36PrayingEncourage and allow your child to pray for their food before they eat it. If this is a new concept for your child you may want to start praying for a while and have them repeat after you. Once they are
comfortable you can then repeat after them. Trust me they will be so
EXCITED when it is time to pray. They
crave the attention and praise from you! Remember they should associate saying grace
anytime they eat not just dinner time, meals at home or Holidays only.
CraftDoing a special craft as
reinforcement is always a
GREAT idea! Here is one we did:
Here is what you will need. Crayons, Scissors to cut with(good for working on fine motor skills), red felt or construction paper, stapler, glue or tape and a print out of a man shape.

As your child colors their person, explain to them that God created them in His image! Elijah wanted a gingerman shape, so we called them an Elijahman and Xavierman! Some added fun: we sang to the tune all around the mulberry bush...."We are coloring the Elijahman, the Elijahman, Elijahman..We are coloring the Elijahman. How will God change him today?"(Keeps them anticipating what's to come next in the story) Then repeat for other children or until the coloring is completed!

Allow your child/children to cut the person out with child safe scissors. Tell them that God desires to remove all the bad things away, like our disobedience towards Him and others He has placed over us! Of course we sang again: "We are cutting around the Xavierman, the Xavierman, the Xavierman..We are cutting around the Xavierman. How will God change him today?"

Now it's time to get that red felt or construction paper. Have your little tot staple, glue or tape it to cover the body. Explain to them that because we are born with sin that makes us do things like lying, not sharing and not obeying. Someone had to pay for our sins and His name is Jesus. So, Jesus died to cover all of your disobedience to God. If you believe that, then you should show it by obeying, loving others and reading the Bible! At this point Elijah said: "Mommy I do love God and the Bible" We finished off with singing: "God covers the Elijahman, the Elijahman, the Elijahman..God covers the Elijahman. GOD'S BLOOD COVERS HIM TODAY! YAY!"

Two happy little men!

Put them on your fridge as a reminder to you to refer to this analogy often to teach your child through consist Godly discipline..

My prayer:
Dear Lord,
I thank you for sending your son to die on the cross. I thank you for the little blessings(children) you have given to me and the viewers of this blog (currently or in the future). Lord, if there are parents who desire to model you in their home regularly comfort them through this process of change. Do not let them be content where they are currently at spiritually. For, it is never to late no matter the age of the child or the type of parent they have become. Allow them to grow and glorify You through this journey called life together. Equip the parents to become more knowledgeable in you so that the ultimate goal of raising God fearing girls, boys, teenagers and Adults can be fulfilled and passed on! John 17:17 Sanctify them by Your truth, Your word is truth!