That little indulgence, the small undercurrent of bitterness, the well-masked dislike of our neighbor-are these really such a big deal? "I'm just not quite ready to pull that out and look at it," we decide, " and God's grace covers it anyway." But such thinking is dangerous. All of our sins are really much worse than we think. There are no little sins in God's eyes, and to think otherwise is to abuse his grace. When the Lord puts his finger on a particular sin we are tolerating, and we choose to continue in it, backing up our choice with the truth that "where sin increased, grace abounded all the more" (Romans 5:20), we are abusing grace.
God, who is both loving and holy, will not allow us to continue the abuse for long. Sooner or later the weight of unrepentant sin presses down heavily upon us. If we aren't ready to deal with the sin, we are going to look everywhere else for an explanation about that pressing.
"I'm just irritable this week because my hormones are out of whack"
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Stand Fast: "I got it!"
In the past few years in parenthood we have been rightly challenged to consider the role of the different genders in our family and our culture. In our culture, the gender lines have been blended. We see women and men both looking like the opposite sex. Some do this intentionally, and others do it not fully considering the reason why. Yet, gender roles are very important.
Our culture breeds this new idea/definition of tolerance. It used to be that tolerance meant you held on to your beliefs but would listen to and maybe even dialogue around the differences another held, but still hold yours as the best. Now, tolerance has been redefined and and is not only that you hold on to your own beliefs, but that you esteem others beliefs as though they are just as valid as your own. This ideology seems flawed and unreasonable. Truth is not subject to opinion, but rather is based on an object. That object is the Word of God. Anyone disagreeing with it is therefore wrong.
This brings me back to my original thinking. When gender lines are blurred, mixed and even not recognizable it is important for Christians to take a stand based on the truth of God's Word. This being the case in the past week (and beyond really)the Lord has provided ample opportunity for teaching our boys toward becoming men.
Elijah has recently started to try and cry to manipulate and get what he wants instead of dealing with disappointment and communicating effectively. We have therefore had the privilege to teach through that. Recently we found a few bug bites in the house. So, we have been vigilant about spiders and other little creatures that are not our "friends." Elijah yesterday and for the past week has been walking around saying, "bug," and "spider...look...there." Problem being, there were no spiders. It became apparent to that there was and opportunity to teach the difference between Mommies and Daddies. Mommies typically do not like bugs and don't like to be near them and have them around.
Knowing this provided an opportunity for Daddy to teach his son how to be chivalrous, and kill....or should I say "get" the bug. Ki...or "get the bugs" father and son did while little brother looked on. After, the two older boys showed Mommy how they "got" the bug. There was a big party over it as Mommy has gained another bug squisher/"getter." After the boys continued for several minutes. Flip flops in hand, a bang on the floor, and an "I got it!" Which leaves with this question, based upon the Bible (the final authority for all things,) what is it that we can teach our children that is gender specific that will help them in adulthood to be men and women that communicate the gospel in their actions? We'd love to hear your ideas!
Our culture breeds this new idea/definition of tolerance. It used to be that tolerance meant you held on to your beliefs but would listen to and maybe even dialogue around the differences another held, but still hold yours as the best. Now, tolerance has been redefined and and is not only that you hold on to your own beliefs, but that you esteem others beliefs as though they are just as valid as your own. This ideology seems flawed and unreasonable. Truth is not subject to opinion, but rather is based on an object. That object is the Word of God. Anyone disagreeing with it is therefore wrong.
This brings me back to my original thinking. When gender lines are blurred, mixed and even not recognizable it is important for Christians to take a stand based on the truth of God's Word. This being the case in the past week (and beyond really)the Lord has provided ample opportunity for teaching our boys toward becoming men.
Elijah has recently started to try and cry to manipulate and get what he wants instead of dealing with disappointment and communicating effectively. We have therefore had the privilege to teach through that. Recently we found a few bug bites in the house. So, we have been vigilant about spiders and other little creatures that are not our "friends." Elijah yesterday and for the past week has been walking around saying, "bug," and "spider...look...there." Problem being, there were no spiders. It became apparent to that there was and opportunity to teach the difference between Mommies and Daddies. Mommies typically do not like bugs and don't like to be near them and have them around.
Knowing this provided an opportunity for Daddy to teach his son how to be chivalrous, and kill....or should I say "get" the bug. Ki...or "get the bugs" father and son did while little brother looked on. After, the two older boys showed Mommy how they "got" the bug. There was a big party over it as Mommy has gained another bug squisher/"getter." After the boys continued for several minutes. Flip flops in hand, a bang on the floor, and an "I got it!" Which leaves with this question, based upon the Bible (the final authority for all things,) what is it that we can teach our children that is gender specific that will help them in adulthood to be men and women that communicate the gospel in their actions? We'd love to hear your ideas!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Potty training 101
The world of toilet training is an unusual aspect of being parents. I don't know if I can handle all of the fluctuations it has to offer. Elijah is 26 months and we think he is long overdue for his course in Potty Training 101. He understands and from time to time he will ask to use it. No prompting just the occasional thrill of it. I guess.. So, it is time to not be the occasional toilet user anymore. We are heading for the real thing! Today was a semi successful day. No crap! He started out so good the first half of the day then there it was smells and all. He had poop in his under roo's. What an awful thing to wittiness and have to clean up. It was not the ordinary beauty of wipe and go. No, this was an new beast and might I add a messy one!I was just thinking that once I was going to use the good old fashion diapers, Thank God I did not go through with purchasing them. Would have been a total waste of money! Anyways, he then sat on the potty and went. No problems, No hesitations. I don't get it. I will continue to give this my all and all. Till diapers do us part. I will update later. Deal or No deal that is the question!?!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Time is but a vapor
Quietness is what I long for.
Not only the sound waves that are constantly invading my ears,
but the place where you know everything is gonna be alright.
No worries, No Fears.
For I know what I hold dear,
Closer and closer I feel God draw near
To me for I dare not flee,
But fall on bending knees.
To ask Lord Please have Mercy on me
and my fellow peers.
For they know not what they do
Lord if only they would listen
when I tell of YOUR word "It's the TRUTH and it is the only LIGHT"
Lord, they can not Grasp it or see it in their sight.
For Jesus you ARE the LIGHT of the world
For you marvel over us like we are the diamonds and pearls.
You created us and we created
Ipods, Internet and Televisions
Just to keep You out of our systems.
If only we knew that your word is like the dew
as the sun rise, that dew is melted away by the truth.
Nowhere to run, no where to hide,
when you decide to crack the sky.
We your children who YOU call us by name.
We do the same!
To busy, to in a hurry,
to love and read. Lord our Vision is blurry.
We don't ask to be forgiven,
we just forget one another and keep on living.
From Political election's to our Cooking session
We don't involve YOU,
we don't want to do the things that would bring Glory to YOU!
Lord my Prayer: is this
Please do not dismiss me
Lord find me to be a workman of good works,
Not trying to get over and not going to church.
I want everything I do to be pleasing to you.
Lord, for your word is True and Living.
Lord you keep giving Grace and Mercy
to those you have chosen; however,
they don't do what you have ordered them to!
So, if your one of the ones who know that you haven't done
Everything God as order of you,
like being a Godly mother and forsaking all others,
not to be filled with greed and to help others that are in need.
I suggest you Pray right now for we don't know how, when, where
the Lord shall come back for his people.
To retrieve His faithful covenants
It's like we married Jesus under the steeple.
Till death do us part after that I shall be with you.
Time is winding down so Lord I ask that
you heal all who frown let them know
that you Love them, That they need YOU.
For time is but a vapor your living Word WILL come true!
Not only the sound waves that are constantly invading my ears,
but the place where you know everything is gonna be alright.
No worries, No Fears.
For I know what I hold dear,
Closer and closer I feel God draw near
To me for I dare not flee,
But fall on bending knees.
To ask Lord Please have Mercy on me
and my fellow peers.
For they know not what they do
Lord if only they would listen
when I tell of YOUR word "It's the TRUTH and it is the only LIGHT"
Lord, they can not Grasp it or see it in their sight.
For Jesus you ARE the LIGHT of the world
For you marvel over us like we are the diamonds and pearls.
You created us and we created
Ipods, Internet and Televisions
Just to keep You out of our systems.
If only we knew that your word is like the dew
as the sun rise, that dew is melted away by the truth.
Nowhere to run, no where to hide,
when you decide to crack the sky.
We your children who YOU call us by name.
We do the same!
To busy, to in a hurry,
to love and read. Lord our Vision is blurry.
We don't ask to be forgiven,
we just forget one another and keep on living.
From Political election's to our Cooking session
We don't involve YOU,
we don't want to do the things that would bring Glory to YOU!
Lord my Prayer: is this
Please do not dismiss me
Lord find me to be a workman of good works,
Not trying to get over and not going to church.
I want everything I do to be pleasing to you.
Lord, for your word is True and Living.
Lord you keep giving Grace and Mercy
to those you have chosen; however,
they don't do what you have ordered them to!
So, if your one of the ones who know that you haven't done
Everything God as order of you,
like being a Godly mother and forsaking all others,
not to be filled with greed and to help others that are in need.
I suggest you Pray right now for we don't know how, when, where
the Lord shall come back for his people.
To retrieve His faithful covenants
It's like we married Jesus under the steeple.
Till death do us part after that I shall be with you.
Time is winding down so Lord I ask that
you heal all who frown let them know
that you Love them, That they need YOU.
For time is but a vapor your living Word WILL come true!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Astonished at Jesus creations
Oh the Joys the summer brings! The nice long summer nights the smells of Barbecuing and the taste of some good ole southern style sweet tea. hmm... Family life is such a blessing! Brian has had a chance to relax this summer before returning to his highly stressful job. God is our protector from day to day. He loves it though, all the opportunities to teach the classroom subjects and even greater he teaches the students that Christ died just for each of them despite what is on the curriculum for the day. Lamanda really enjoyed having all of her boys together this summer she wishes that it could last year round. At least the part where Brian gets to stay home with her; however, she is thankful that the Lord has Blessed him to have a great job to provide for his family.
As for the kids Elijah just had his 2ND Birthday on the 14Th! We had a blast with everyone this summer. Elijah is very Thankful for all his birthday gifts! He is a good boy considering his sinful nature. Lijah prays before every meal with or without Mommy and Daddy assisting him. He is becoming more and more active and is now speaking in complete sentences. He and Xavier play so well together. Xavier is a hands on kind of baby! He loves to smile and slobber all over the place(not one of Elijah's favorites about his little brother.) Xavier is now 7 months and has two teeth on the bottom and a half of one on the top right.
I know that all the joys that Summer had to offer Fall will to be plentiful of autumns fun and excitement .
Today's Prayer:
Dear Lord,
Thank you for creating the seasons that we your children might take joy in it. We are thankful for a safe summer. For we did not receive any troubling news from our friends and family this season. We do not take any of this for granted. Lord Brian and I thank you for allowing us to be with Elijah for 2 special years now. We pray that one day both Elijah and Xavier will love only you with their whole hearts! Help Brian and I stay focused on you daily so that we might be an example to them through our daily interactions with one another. We love you Jesus.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Thanksgiving Daily!

Okay... This is my very first blog and I'm kinda wondering what exactly am I suppose to write? We really have not had anything to horrible going on in our lives to write about.......WAIT......I suppose that's just it. When our lives are mellow and calm it's very easy to forget how blessed we really are for that calmness and peace present in our lives! Wow, when you just sit back and think of ALL the trials you had to persevere through and all the heart ache at one point in time we all have to endure, it seems so much harder for some reason to praise and thank Christ because everything is smooth sailing in our lives.....
Today's Prayer:
So, today I just want to say Thank-You JESUS for all you have brought my family through. For the place you have put us in currently. We both have matured in you so much in becoming one and we realize that you are sovereign and perfect in every way imaginable. No matter where we are presently in our timeline called Life! Brian and I have been married almost three short years and I'm thankful for the many blessings you have brought into and out of our lives. There was never a need that has not been met. We are so grateful for your living word that enables us to truly love one another and honor you daily.
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